{ 236 SERMON IX. A SERMON addreffed particularly to YOUNG PERSONS. PSALM XXXIV. xi, iz, 13, 14. Come, ye children, hearken unto me : I will teach you the fear of the Lord. What man is be that defireth life, and loveth many days that he may fie good? Keep-thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from fpeaking guile ; . depart from evil and do good, feek peace and purfue it. SEEM. HE royal Pfalmiff here affumeth the IX: character which properly belonged to `-') him, addreffing his inftruaions to the Ifraelttes as his children. It was his highe& glory as a good prince, to be the common father of his people ; and the venerable office of a prophet with which he was alto dignified, gave him great authority in teaching, and became ano- ther foundation for filial refpea. The ex- hortations contained in the text, being not temporary and peculiar to the Rate or cir- cumftance