238 fl particular Addrefs to Young Perf ns. S E R M.endeared to him not only by a community IX. of nature, but by more fpecial and facred ties the beloved offspring of his much efteemed friends, tenderly educated from their earlieft infancy, and the feeds of virtue fown in their hearts, yet unpraétifed in vigilance, and the fublime art of felf- government ; rufhing into a world where fnares lie thick on every fide, and poifoned arrows, aimed at the deftruftion of their integrity, flying from every quarter, by which thoufands like them daily fall? Who would not lend an helping hand, would not ufe all his Ikill, and exert his utmoft power to prevent fuch ruin, to fave fuch fouls from death ? Again, if we have it at heart to promote true piety and virtue, we ought to ufe our utmoft zeal and diligence, where there is the greateft probability of fuccefs. But, furely, the faireft profpc t is with thofe whole minds are not inlaid with ftrong pre- judices, which arife from a cuftomary in- dulgence in vicious courfes. The wifdom of prevention is better than that of remedy. If he be wife that winneth fouls, that convertetl; them from the errors of their way, and turneth fraying finners to righteoufnefs, he is at leaft as wife who preventeth others from falling into the deftrutive paths of vice, whereby extreme dangers are avoided and a mul-