Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

.44 particular Addref to Young Perfons. 239 multitude of fins ; inftead of which may be S E R Nr, expefted many fruits of righteoufnefs to the IX. glory of God, preparing the objets of our ` ^^j affeftionate care for a full harveft of happi- nefs hereafter. Befides, if we are folicitous for the moff extenfive good of mankind, and the profperity of the world, than which there cannot be a better and more generous difpofition in the human mind, the beft fervice we can render to that important intereft is by inftruéting youth. Upon them dependeth the Rate of the. prefent and the fucceeding generation, whe- ther it (hall be vicious and miferable, or vir- tuous and happy. Experience confirmeth what Solomon teacheth us in his Proverbs, that righteoa fnefs exalteth a nation, but fm is the reproach of any people. Scarcely is there any one fo unacquainted with the hiftory of world, as not to know that civil focieties have always flourifhed by virtue, and that they have funk into weaknefs, difhonour, and ruin at Taft, by luxury, injufice, and other immoralities. Efpecially to chriftians, who confider the providence of God, as wifely and righteoufly governing the world, and who attend to the meafures of the divine adminiftration hitherto obferved, agreeable to the declarations of the fcriptures ; the pro - fpeEts