Temptations to Evil, not from God. r; worthy of our notice, that the fympathy ofS E Ra our Saviour with his difciples, whom he fo I. loved as to die for them, is reprefented as `^'""j efpecially exerting itfelf for their fupport under temptations ; thus we are told, Heb. ii. i 8. in that he himfelf bath fufered, be- ing tempted, he is able to fuccour them that are tempted. And chap. iv. 15. We have not an high prieft which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, hut was in all points tempted as we are, yet without lin. We are therefore encouraged to come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need, grace to refill and conquer tempta- tions. For this purpofe is the affiftance of the Holy Spirit given to chriftians, all whofe operations on their minds, declared in fcrip- ture, have this tendency, that they may be enabled to refift and to conquer temptations. And the difpofition of things by divine pro-. vidence, and ordering all the circumftances in our condition, is reprefented in fcripture as carrying on the fame defign. Sometimes, indeed, we are told that providence Puffer- eth men to fall into fnares, nay, and layeth Bumbling- blocks in their way; but the Brongeft exprefíions of this fort mean no more than that feeing (inners violently break through