Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

24o 4 particular Addrefs to Young Per fins. S ER M, fpets of flourifhing religion and public pro: IX. fperity are flrictly connected, and there is no hope of fuccefs in national affairs, if iniquity be univerfally abounding ; nor indeed is it always to be defired upon that unhappy fup. pofition, becaufe then it tendeth to greater corruption and mifery. It is the general complaint of good men, that godlinefs de- clineth among us, and that impiety and vice are daily growing ; whence arife difmal ap- prehenfions of times to come worfe than the prefent, both more wicked and calamitous, But to what purpofe are complaints, if we are not active to remedy the evils complained of? And what do fears fignify unlefs they put us upon ufing our utmoft endeavours to prevent danger ? Now, for obtaining thefe ends, we cannot perform a better office than by con- tributing as far as in us lies, towards forming the tempers and manners of young people to virtue ; to fee them walking in the truth, as the apoflle john fpeaketh, would be the joy of all good men in this generation, and yield them the moft delightful profpect concerning future times. Thefe confiderations justify the application I have propofed to make of the text; but in- deed the words themfelves juflify it ; for when the Pfalmift explaineth who they are whom