Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

particular Addrefs to Young Terfors, 241 whom he defigneth to teach the fear of the SE R M, Lord, and to whom he prefcribeth the more IX. particular duties in which it confifieth, they at thus defcribed, ver. 12: they defre l f é, and love many days, that they may fee good ; and to whom doth this fo properly belong as to them who are but coming into the world; and according to the ufual courfe of things; are the moft likely to Iive long in it ? Suffer me then, ye children, who are met on this occafion, to addrefs to you particularly the Pfalmifl's inflruftions which I have read; and I (hall do it in the plainefl manner I am able. The great leffon to be taught you is, the fear of the Lord, a very important and com- prehenfive one ; but be not difcouraged, it is not extremely difficult. I hope none of you are flrangers to it altogether. From the earliefi: exercife of your underflanding, this firfl principle of all religion bath been inculcated upon you, that there is a God ; an infinitely powerful, wife, and good Beings the Creator and Preferver of all things ; a being incom- prehenfible indeed in excellence and glory; but reafon, even in its firfl effays, naturally leadeth us to acknowledge his exiftence. A child, efpecially when affifled by a fuperior underflanding, will eafily fall into fuch en- VOL.IV. R guiries