Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

242 A particular "de/refs to Young Perfons. SE R Nt. quiries as thefe, Whence came I, and all IX. things in the world about me, of which ti ere is no vifible caute ? Thefe beautiful heavens, and this earth, with an infinite variety of be- ings in it, a vaft multitude of living things, as well as other kinds, which are not produced by human art or power ? And fuch enquiries will naturally refult in the belief of one fupreme univerfal caule. By the bye, let me obferve, that the traditional way of teaching religion is the worft : If we would have any of man- kind believe religious principles, it fhould not be merely upon human authority, pa- rental, or any other, but we ought to Phew them the grounds of their belief, otherwife they cannot affent as becometh intelligent creatures ; and fuch an affent as they give will operate as other prejudices do, producing only a tenacious obftinacy ; in the prefent cafe, a vehement blind zeal or begottry, not real goodnefs. Now, if you rationally affent to the being of God, to whom that amiable charmer belongeth which hath been men- tioned, the fear of him will naturally arife in your minds ; and for it you are prepared by being accuftomed from your very infancy to a reverence for parental authority ; which is compofed of the fear of fuperior power, and an affectionate efteem with gratitude for s tender