Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

244 A particular Addrefs to Young Perfons. S n x M. the things which are true, pure, juft, lovely, IX. and of good report. This is neceffary to give you a juif notion of the fear of God ; it is not to be confidered as an unaéfive prin- ciple in the mind, or as only to be applied to the purpofes of devotion abftra6ting from all the affairs of ordinary life ; but as of the greateft and moll immediate ufe in direEfing our whole behaviour : Every thing which is morally excellent is enforced by it, whatever is generous and honourable, as well as pru- dent; in a word, whatever our own hearts upon the ftrideff examination applaud as amiable and becoming the dignity of our nature. There is nothing I should with for you more than that your religion may fit eafy upon your minds, that it may never appear the dull and heavy bufinefs of fome folemn times, or a burdenfotne talk, which by bard necefiity you are forced to fubmit to, that you may efcape punifhment ; but rather as the glory of your nature, and the joy of your hearts, the nobleft and molt fublime, as well as delightful entertainment of your fouls ; as a relief againft the uneafinefs, the difgulls, and troubles of life, rather than to be num- bered amongft them. The yoke of Chrifl i3 eafy, and his burden is light ; none of his com- mandments are grievous, It is a wretched idea