Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

11 particular 2Iddr fs to razing Perl ns. 245 idea fome have got of religion, even from S E R M. their youth, whereby they are prejudiced IX. againft it, that it is a molt ridged fevere in- ftitution, laying hard reftraints upon liberty, and forbidding all manner of pleafure : The confequence of which is either that they re- jei it altogether, or, being dragged into an unwilling fubmißion to its rules, they per- vert them, running into fuperflition, which is only an aukward external face of go' dlinefs, the true effect of fervile fear, always painful to the mind itfelf, and accompanied with fournefs and ill- nature. Whereas real religion hath quite a different afpeEt, the molt lovely divine form that can prefent itfelf to the mind; fo far from being unnatural, and there- fore burdenfome to man, it is the very thing he was made for, the higheft improvement of his intelledtual powers, perfectly approv- ing itfelf to his reafon ; and when deeply im- preffed on the heart, forming its temper, and governing the converfation, it yieldeth the higheft enjoyment he is capable of, I would therefore earneftly entreat you not to enter- tain this prejudice againft piety and virtue, which fo far from abridging you of any real fatisfaEtion or freedom, which is innocent and becoming the dignity of your nature, it will preferve the true reli[h of all thofe en- R 3 ioyments,