Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

246 A particular Addrefs to Young Perfons, S n x M joyments, even which are fuited to the lower IX. part of your conftitution, by corre&ing fickly appetites, and retrenching exorbitant gratifi- cations, which are always attended with more pain than pleafure ; befides, that it is naturally produetive of joys, infinitely more folid and lafting as well as pure, of a fuperior kind. I cannot now flay to illuftrate this fubjeet, but I leave it to the iffue ofa fair enquiry in your own minds, and I (ball think the point gained, if you will but examine impartially and di- ligently, than which nothing can be more be- coming rational creatures who are fetting out in the world, and would wifely fettle the meafures of their conduet for life. Another obfervation, with which I conclude this head, is, that the proper and genuine e£ feet of the fear of God, is the pratice of every moral virtue. When the Pfalmift, having undertaken to teach the fear of the Lord, cometh to fhew particularly wherein it cort- fifteth, he doth not explain it, by offering fa- orifices, attending folemn affemblies, at new moons, and other fet times, that is performing duties of pofitive inflitution, but by keeping the tongue from evil, doing good, feeking peace, which are moral duties of perpetual and invariable obligation. In the fame man- ner, St. axes defcribeth pore and undefiled religioq