Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

11 particular Addrefi to Young Perfons. 247 religion before God the Father, ch. i. 27. S E R M. That it is to vi tt the fatlherlefs and widows in 1X. their ajlielton, and keep hirnfelf unfpotted from `-'Y -' the World. And indeed this is evidently the Efrain of the whole fcripture, and moft ex- prefsly the doctrine of our Saviour and his apofl:les. The pofitive appointments of God ought not to be left undone ; but judgment, ínercy, faith, or fidelity, are to be done in the firft place, as of fuperior dignity and pri- mary obligation. Let no divine ordinance ever come into difpute with you, or be treated with contempt ; I am afraid that will end in profanenefs and vice ; but let public wor- fhip, communicating at the Lord's . fupper, private prayers, and reading the fcriptures, hold the place in your regard which is due to them ; confider them not as . the effence of chriftianity, but as means fubordinated to fo- briety, righteoufnefs, and godlinefs, or the love and fear of God, the weightiefl: matters of his Law, and the principal points which the grace which bringeth falvation bath ap- peared to teach us. This leadeth me to con- fider the more particular inftrudions in the Text. What muff: we do in purfuance of the fear of God which we profefs, and that we may attain the true ends and rewards of religion, that we may fee good in the prefect R. 4 life,