riq 248 if particular Addrefs to Young Perfons. 15 E x M. life, and finally be crowned with a bleffed W. immortality ? The firft direétion is in ver. 13. keep thy tongue from evil; efteem it as an article of the utmoft confequence in ordering your conver- fation, to govern your tongue by the rules of wifdom and virtue: This is not only an in- Itrution for children, but grown men. St. lames pronounceth him a perfea man, who loth not offend in word ; and bridling the tongue, he reckoneth fo effential to religion, that without it a religious profeflion is vain, ch. i. z6. But it is very proper, that even from childhood, you fhould be brought under this difcipline, and how glorious will it be, while you are yet in your youth, to arrive at what the apoftle calleth the perfeaion of manhood ? The truth however is, there will be Hill room for making farther proficiency in this excellent art, which might very pro- perly be recommended to men in all the ftages of life ; but I remember that the young are my particular charge at this time, and for their n.eceffary admonition I muff obferve, that there is generally a prejudice laid ií a- gainft the duty we are now confidering, by an error in the very beginning of their edu- cation. I do not think it is beneath the dig- pity of the pig; I am in, to çenfure even the faults