Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

250 particular Addrefs to Young Per fins. S E R M. are witneffes to, is fartheft from it. But be- IX. fides this, you cannot help confidering it as an immorality; for is it not very provoking when ufed againft your felves ? And furely you have fenfe enough to underftand, and to approve that eternal rule of righteoufnefs ; whatever ye would that men thould do to you, do ye even fo to them, and not otherwife. Indeed, all the kinds of evil fpeaking are ftriuly prohibited in the firft general claufe of this verfe, fuch as opening your mouth againft the heavens; blafpheming, taking God's facred name in vain by profane and rafh fwearing, fcoffing at religion, which are the utmoft extravagances of impiety fome aban- doned finners have arrived to, but not to be met with among people of the belt breeding, and abhorred by all fincere chriftians. Thefe enormities I will not fuppofe you capable of, but as you cannot help knowing they are in the world, it is fit you thould confider, what lengths in wickednefs men will go, who have not the fear of God in their hearts, and be always aware of the dangers which may fol- low the beginnings of declenfion from piety; all immodeft fpeeches, which difcover the de- pravity of the heart, out of which they pro- ceed, and tend to excite and inflame vicious of ftions and pallions in men, ought alfa care-