A particular Addrefs to Young Perföns. 251 carefully to be avoided ; all glorying which is S E R M. not good, vain boafting and oftentation to IX. procure applaufe, which never gaineth it's end ; on the contrary, rendereth a man con- temptible, as a plain evidence both of weak- nefs and pride ; injurious and reproachful lan- guage againft your neighbours and fellow chriftians, either in the way of open accufation or calumnious whifpering, are exceedingly offenfive and unworthy of a religious cha- rader ; nor let us ever think that even fudden and unpremeditated grievous words, which ftir up anger, are altogether innocent; though they are fo incident to men of like paffions and infirmities, that fcarcely any even of the belt is, tiro' the courfe of his life, altogether free from them. The proper cure of all thefe evils, and indeed no other will be effeE1ual, would be religious and virtuous affeftions ruling in the heart, out of the abundance of which the mouth fpeaketh. What but the fear of God will reftrain men from irreverence towards him in their expreffiont, ? The virtues com- prehended in fobriety, humility, and chaftity, will prevent vain boafting, offenfive pertnefß, and obfcene language, what the apoftle call.. eth foolifh talking and jelling, which are not convenient, Eph, v. h and the bell preferva- tive