z54. B particular Addrefs to Young Pei fns. S E R M. in all cafes indifpenfible : But, I think, it IX. may be fafely afferted, that there is a necefiary `-'--"-""i determination in the human mind to approve it, fo that whatever things are true, tnuft ap- pear lovely and praife- worthy. If by the in- fluence of wrong principles, and efpecially a long courfe of diflimulation which prevailing corrupt affeEtions have led them into, fome are reconciled to it, it may at leaft be con- cluded, that your undebauched minds retain their averfion to guile, and that you heartily confent to the rule in the text. 1 have there- fore nothing more to defire than that you will cons antly and uniformly at according to your own fentiments, and Phew in your whole conduft, that reverence for truth which your hearts inwardly diétate. You muff indeed be warned, that you are in dan- ger of being corrupted from your fimplicity; you will meet with temptations to falfhood in fpeaki,ng; for many you cannot avoid converfing with, frequently praäife it, and evil communication corrupteth good man- ners. But as, in general, a great deal of attention is required to maintain your in- tegrity, confidering the deceitfulnefs of fin, and how much wickednefs aboundeth in the world, fo in particular you ought induf}ri- oufly to cultivate in your minds, an inviola- ble