Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

Apartfcular flddrefs to Young Perfons. 255 ble regard to candour and honefty, which iss E R M. among the Taft moral good things the mind IX. parteth with, and when it goeth, every thing`- -v that is virtuous and laudable goeth with it. To prevent fuch a fhipwreck, keep always in view the deformity of that wretched abandoned character, in which a fenfe of the beauty and excellence of truth is loft. I believe there are few of you who arc not acquainted with fome of thofe defpicable mortals, to whom, even in youth, lying is become familiar, either from a malicious in- tention, or from a vain oftentation of know- ing the fecret of all affairs, which are the fub- jeét of converfation, or even a filly defire to amufe and furprize company. Surely there are none of mankind more in contempt with you, and will you not then carefully preferve yourfelves from all approaches to fach an odious charatfer, by ftudioufly keep- ing up an abhorrence of it, and perempto- rily refolving, that you will not fo much as once fuffer your heart or your lips to be dithonoured with any kind of deceit or pre- varication. We may obferve, that generally the firft inlet to this evil in children, is a defire to palliate or conceal their faults from their fuperiors in order to avoid their difpleafure. To