256 A particular Addrefs to Young Perfons. sERM.To efcape this temptation, a ftri 1 vigilance ix. over your whole behaviour, fo that it may univerfally unblameable, would be molt effectual ; but if that Mould feem too difficult, let be a fixed principle with you that no fault or folly you can be guilty of through weaknefs or inadvertency, is equal to lying, fo offenfive to God, or to a reafonable hu- man governor. I would advife all parents and inftru tors of youth, to cherifh in them this principle, exercifing their authority in fuch a manner, as to give all poffible en- couragement to veracity ; let a great many childifh follies be part over, with a flight cenfure, for the fake of truth ; and even when correction is neceffary, let it be mi- tigated on the fame account, that the chil- dren may fee you diftinguifh lying from all other faults by your refentment, and that you approve their daring to own any offence, rather than be guilty of it : For if lying once become habitual, all fenfe of virtue and honefty is loft, and the foundation of fuc- cefs in all the pains you can bellow on their education utterly deftroyed. But I am at prefent addreffing the young themfelves, whom I fuppofe grown up to fuch a matu- rity of judgment and refiet Lion as to be ca- pable