258 :A particular Addrefs to Young Peifoes. S E R M, fcope to penitential grief, and fet a mark IX. upon this as a dangerous rock to be for the `^ 'j future shunned with the utmoft care ; and a conqueft over temptations of the fame kind you may afterwards meet with, will yield you a high felf- applauding triumph, an inward fatisfaáion far above all the pleafures of this world. There is one thing which I doubt in many inflances arifeth to a violation of can- dour, the more worthy of our notice here, becaufe it is incident to people of condition, and is taught to youth with the manners of the age. I mean high profefhons of re- fpeé in the common forms of civility which I am afraid exceed the bounds of truth. It is certain, that .a truly friendly difpofition is one of the nobleft qualities any mind can be poffefi'ed of, and free exprefiions of be- nevolence to all mankind, if they be fincere, are the molt becoming our focial nature; but the hypocritical pretence and lifelefs ex- ternal Phew, is as odious as the truth is love- ly. There are fome perfons of great figure in life, whofe higheft compliments, and even folemn promifes of friendfhip pafs for nothing with thofe who underftand them heft, and to others they prove an injurious fraud : I hope there is more fincerity Ieft among