Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

A particular Addrefs to T'oung Perfons. 259 among us, and yet this kind of guile feem- S E x M. eth to grow fafbionable, recommended as I a branch of polite converfation by the ex- ample of men in fuperior rank. But let the children who would learn the fear of the Lord, confider the neceflity of being always approved to themfelves; let them confider whether, among people of the bell underftanding and greateft worth, a manly plainnefs in converfation be not a more a- greeable character than fuch over- ftrained courtefy ; and efpecially, if it be not better to bear fome imputation of awkwardnefs, or even rufticity, than by exceflive compli- fance to fuffer a breach in :the ingenuity of their nature, which 'tis hard to know where it may flop. The next direáion is general, and relates to your prance ; depart from evil and do good. I (hall enter little farther into the confideration of this, than to ¡hew the ne- ceßáry connection it hath with the other rules of the text, and how applicable it is particularly to our prefent purpofe. The Pfalmift's profeffed defign is to teach the fear of God. Now, by the unanimous con lent of the facred writers, the true explica- tion of that abridgement of religion, is, doing his will, keeping his commandments, S 2 or