260 A particular Addrefs to Young Perfons. S E R M. or which is the fame thing, departing from IX. evil and doing good. Though the fear of the Lord may be confidered as a principle feated in the heart, yet to its fincerity, that is, to its very being, it is abfolutely necef- fary that our courfe of a &ion fhould be agreeable to it; which is ftrongly intimated by giving fuch a continued courfe of good works the very name of the principle itfelf; and a pretence of religion, when the fruits of virtue do not appear in our lives, but the contrary, is as unreafonable, as to attribute to any vital or moral powers, the a&ions which they have no aptitude at all to pro- duce; as to fay, for inftance, that a man in a frenzy difcovered by extravagant words and a &ions hath the right ufe of his under - ftanding, or that violence and outrage are the effe &s of humanity and juftice. Again, having taught the proper govern- ment of the tongue, it was neceffary to add the due regulation of our whole pra &ice; for there muff be an agreement between our words and a &ions. The molt inoffenfive manner of fpeaking, and the greateft appear- ance of candour in converting with men, is the deeper and more wicked hypocrify if our works be contrary. It would feem that the evil from which it is here particularly meant