A particular Addrefs to Young Perfons. 26 x meant we fhould depart, is injury to our SEAM. fellow creatures ; and the good we are ex- IX. horted to, fignifieth thofe works which the apoftle thus defcribeth, Tit. iii. 8. That they are good and profitable to men. Stri'ft juftice, religious abftinence from all encroachments on the rights of others, together with bene- ficence in relieving the indigent and difiref- fed, comforting the amiEted, and, in gene- ral, communicating happinefs as far as it is in our power : Thefe are an excellent part of a good moral character, fo neceffary a part, that there can be no real goodnefs without them, as the whole tenor of the Scripture declarations witneffeth ; and indeed we have a witnefs in ourfelves if we would attend to its voice, for we have affections in our na- ture which prompt us to ads of righteouf- nefs and mercy, and confcience will conti- nually reproach us for omitting them. But as there is no time in life when the mind is fo eafily capable of being bended any way, and acquiring habits, as youth, it is then the utmoft caution fhould be ufed to efcape temptations to evil, or depart from it, and learn to do good habitually, which is the full meaning of the exhortation in the text. Solomon, therefore, in a juft concern for fons, yet under the paternal authority, S 3 well