Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

262 14 particular ,4ddrefs to Young Perfons. S E R M. well knowing that in fuch a Efate of the IX. world as is ordinarily to be expelled, they will meet with thong folicitations to wick-, ednefs, warneth them of their danger, and would have their minds fortified with firm refolutions againíf complying : Prov. i. i o. Myfon, if fanners entice thee cog Pent thou not; and having Rated a cafe, wherein injurious defigns are plaufibly recommended with an alluring reprefentation of fecrefy in the ma- nagement and fuccefs in the event, he would have peremptory, inviolable refoluti- on at firtf oppofed to them, and all occafion of treating with finners cut off, v. r s. My fon, walk not thou in the way with them, re- frain thy feet from their path. This is to depart from evil ; but do not content your felves with that; let your hearts devife ¡Lift and liberal things, and your hands be fwift to do good, fo (hall you enjoy an uninter- rupted pleafure, and find it more bleffed to give than to receive. The laft particular rule prefcribed here by the Pfalmiíf, is, to feek peace and pur- fue it. Peace is taken fometimes in a lar- ger, fometimes in a more refirained fenfe: the molt obvious and evidently meant in this place, is the concord of men among themfelves, when free from ffrife and con- fufion,