264. A particular Addrefs to Young Perfons. SER M. the fake of thofe to whom I am now apply_ IX. ing the Pfalmift's inftru &ions, that whereas quarrels are often occafioned by falfe noti- ons of honour, (only from pride, faith Solo- mon, cometh contention) and fuch miftakes are molt incident to youth, it is on the con- trary certain that condefcenfion, to procure and promote peace, is truly honourable. Let any one coolly confider, whether it was not noble, and worthy of a great man, in Abraham; to condefcend as he did, when a difference happened between his fervants and Lot's the hiftory is well known as it is re- lated in Genefis xiii. and Solomon wifely obferveth, Prov. xix. i i. That the difcretion of a man deferreth his anger, and it is his glory to pafs over a tranfgr ion. I fhould think it very proper to lay be- fore you fome confiderations enforcing the rules which I have explained, and applied to the young. But not having time to in- lift on that head largely, I will content my- felf with recommending to your ferious thoughts that argument infinuated in the i 2th verfe ; What man is he that d f reth life, and loveth many days, that he may fee good? inti- mating, that the fureft way to prolong life, and enjoy it with the greateft advantage, is to pratice the duties injoined. It will be granted