A particular Addrefs to Young Perfons. 265 granted on all hands, that the Arguments S E R M from a future ftate are on the fide of piety IX. and virtue; this world, that is, all the hap-'r'e pinefs it affordeth, finners claim for them-. felves ; but it is not to be yielded to them. For experience proveth, what Solomon teach - eth us, that long life, health and profperi- ty, eafe and credit, are rather the portion of wifdom. It might be (hewn particularly, that the duties which have been now re- commended to you, piety, innocence, mo- deify and candour in fpeaking, juftice and beneficence in the courfe of your anions, with a peaceable difpofition and behaviour, that thefe, I fay, have a natural tendency to the eafy and comfortable enjoyment of life : But this I (hall leave to your own re- fletions ; judge for yourfelves, the youngeft of you who are capable of judging at all, but judge impartially, who hath the hap- piety condition in life, and the moft amiable character, the profane and regardlefs of reli- gion, the man who is haughty and infolent in his carriage to others, who fpareth no one's reputation, but treats every man with approbrious language, if he dares to do it in his prefence, and defameth him in his abfence, who ufeth guile and circumven- tion in his words, any arts of fraud, or acts of