A particular Addrefs to Young Perfons. 267 virtuous, and the contrary produciñg vici- SE R M. ous pra &ices ; and whether you ought not IX. to govern your lives by a regard to this dif- ` ' ference preferably to all other confederati- ons ? Upon mature inquiry, are you deter- mined to chufe the right and efchew the wrong ? It is in this choice that the effence of virtue confifteth ; if you conftantly and inviolably cleave to it, you are fafe ; other - wife I'm afraid all inftruétion is loft upon you. Bring, then, every cafe that is under your deliberation, or prefented to your mind, to this fhort and eafy iffue, without embarrafling yourfelves with many perplex- ing circumftances ; fince I muff and will chufe the good, and rejeá the evil, how Both the prefent point appear in that view ? (however it may appear in other refpets, and whatever others may think of it) is it fit and becoming me as a reafonable creature and a chriftian ? Then I will do it, otherwife I refufe it. Above all things, accuftom yourfelves in youth to fuch a manner of be- haviour. Thus virtuous habits will become natural to you, attended with a growing pleafure ; and being born of God, "and having the divine feed remaining in you, you will not commit fin. SER-