;70 How Divine Worflrip S E x M. fo it is. For Solomon, as the refult of all X. his reafoning, and the proper application of ""-v--) all he hath faid, calleth upon us to hear this conclufion of the whole matter, Fear God, and keep his commandments, for that is the all of nzan, his whole duty, and his whole intereft, all that God requireth of him, and all that he needeth to make him happy; efpecially when the fcene fhall be changed, and a new Rate of things intro- duced by the judgment of God, for every work fhall be brought into judgment before him, and every fècret thing, whether it be ,good or bad. But at the fame time there is a kind of religion, or what is fo called, and which paffeth under that venerable name, which Both not anfwer this end, and ia- Read of being a prefervative from vanity, or a fupport and confolation to the mind against it, may itfeif juftly be numbered amongft the vanities of the world. This is the religion my text refers to ; the author defcribeth it very plainly, warning us against it, and íhewing its dangerous tendency. The fubjeft certainly deferveth our moft careful attention. Religion is confvfl'edly of the greateft importance ; men lay great firefs, and found all their expeaation from God upon it; but if it be of the kind meant in