is to be acceptably performed. 271 in the text, which is really vanity, if it S E R M. doth not entitle men to God's approbation, X. but expofe them to his difpleafure, and ''''''" bringeth deftruEtion upon the work of their hands, which is fully intimated in the 6th verfe, how unhappy is the difappointment ? I therefore think it may be very ufeful and in- ftruEtive to you, to lay open the defects and ill confequences of fuch a Thew and pretence of piety, that fo you may avoid them; And, firft of all, let it be obferved, that Solomon fpeaketh here of a kind of religion which confifteth wholly in as of devo- tion, which is perfe ±ed in them, without taking in the practice of other virtues, but rather, it would feem, may be feparated from them. He mentioneth going to the houfe of God, fpeaking many words to him, offering facrifices, making vows, the common forms and modes of worfhip ; not a word of judgment, mercy, fobriety, honefty, and faithfulnef , nor of true in- ward piety ; rather, indeed, that is fet againft the formal, fo called, religious fer.. vice, which he here defcribeth ; for in the 7th verfe, as a prefervative from the fore- mentioned deceitful Phew of godlinefs, and the unhappy effects' of its infincerity, we have this direction, but fear thou God. It S muff