Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

416 A Converfatian becoming the Gofpel S E RM. own inventions, the forms of worfhip are XV. evidently ridiculous, tending to deftroy in- `M' (lead of promoting true religion ; and yet the wifeft among them could not find a way to correEt thefe abufes or prefcribe a more reafonable fervice; therefore they complied, and advifed others to comply, with the efta- blifhed fuperftition. But the pofitive infti- tutions of the gofpel, as originally delivered and explained in it, as they are very few in number fo they are free from indecency, af- feEtation, and tendency to miflead mens judgments, and to corrupt religion by turn- ing it into empty form, which are always found to attend human devices in the wor- ihip of God ; on the contrary, the utmoft care is taken by the fcripture- declarations to direst our views in ufing them to promote purity of heart and life, as that wherein the effence of religion confifteth, and upon which our acceptance with God dependeth. There are two obvious refleftions on what bath been faid which I recommend to your confideration. Fir/t, That the defign of the gofpel as a rule, in that comprehenfive view which I have given of it from the words of the apo- ílle, taketh in the whole compafs of human life and affairs ; it is our guide in all our im- ß portant