recommended. 4 t7 portant purpofes and Works ; for they relate S E R M. either to God, or our fellow- creatures, or our- XV. felves ; what then can we imagine that doth not fall within its direftion, what I mean that is worthy of our attention or our purfuit ? It dire teth the concerns of religion, of civil and focial life, and the management of our private affairs, fo far as is neceffary to preferve the ba- lance of our affeElions, the harmony of our natural powers, and the inward peace of our minds ; and what is there worthy of men which doth not come under one or other of thefe heads ? The text, therefore, is to be underffood in the utmoft univerfality, jufl as that parallel exhortation of the apoffle Peter which is more univerfally expreffed, be ye holy in all manner of converfation. Let not only the immediate duties of religion, but all your affairs, be concluded with a regard to the gofpel as your rule, and let the word of God be hid in your hearts that you may not offend in any inflance, but on all occafionspre- ferve your innocence, and praIife true virtue. Secondly, The obligations of chriflanity are not fatisfied by mere external aElions. I have faid indeed that our converfation comprehendeth the whole tenor of our de- liberate actions ; but it is as they are delibe- rate and with relation to the fpring from VoL. IV. E e which