Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

recommended 419 ments of morality ; but for a chriffian to en- SE R M. tertain it, fheweth the molt ftupidly carelefs XV. inattention to the profeffed rule of his religion. `^^`' Nothing can be clearer than that what the gofpel firft and principally aimeth at, is, that which our Saviour calleth clean jing the in- fide, purifying the hearts and affedions of men, or reiforing true integrity and upright - nefs of mind, as the principle from which all really good a &ions muff. flow, and thus only the end of the commandment can be obtained. I have fhewn you what in fact that conver- fation is which is becoming the gofpel ; con - fidering it merely as a pofitive revelation and a law which refteth wholly on the authority of the law- giver, the immediate intention of it is our obedience ; and you fee what kind of obedience that is ; its demands are not anfwered by external appearances of good - nefs, but it governeth the inward difpofiti- ons and affe Lions of the mind ; it infifteth on fincerity of heart and intention in all our works, and the praffice of virtue and charity out of a pure heart, out of a good confcience, and faith unfeigned; it indifpenfably requi_ reth that we abhor and carefully abffain from every thing which is evil ; not that we fhould abound in fome good works only, E e 2 imagining