Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

4.2o> A Converfation becoming the Gofpel S ÌS R m.. imagining that thereby we make amends for X V. defects in other inffances, for its doC`trine is, that he who keepeth the whole law and yet of- f 'ndeth in one point, is guilty of all; but ac- cording to the gofpel our practice of virtue and duty muff be conftant and uniform ; juf- tice is as neceffary to a religious charafter, and to v ft the widows andfatherlefs in their aflitlion, and to keep one's felf unfpottedfrom the world, are as truly pure religion and un- defiled before God the Father, as the im- mediate alts of worfhip. And let it be re- membred, chriflianity requireth that every particular virtue be raifed to the higheft mea- fure of perfeCion ; we ought to grow con- tinually in grace, and add new meafures and degrees of the fame good quality to our pre- fent attainments, as well as one of them to another, as we íhould add to faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge, and to knowledge temperance, and to, temperance patience, and to patience godlinefs, and to godlinefs brotherly kindnefs, and to brotherly kh dnefs charity; fo we íhould endeavour to be 1íi11 more and more effablifhed in each of thefe virtues, and forgetting the things which are behind, and reaching forward to thofe things which are before, that is greater degrees of perfe &'ton, prof towards the mark for the prize. This £ubjeft