Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

recommended. 421 fubject might be farther illuflrated by a S E R M. particular confideration of the gofpel and the XV. parts of which it confifleth; it is not merely a collection of precepts or authoritative de- clarations ; there are other things contained in it, filch as an hiflorical account of facts, truths revealed, threatenings, and promifes. Now according to the declarations of the fcripture itfelf, the intention of all thefe its contents is to promote among men the prac- tice of true holinefs or a good converfation. The doctrines of chriflianity are not mere fpeculations, intended only as amufements or even for the improvement of the underfiand- ing, but dohlrines according to godlinefs ; the declared defign of the threatenings is to deter us from fin, and perfuade us to our duty; and of the promifes that by them we might become partakers of a divine nature, efcap- ing the corruption that is in the world, and that we fhould cleanfe ourfelves from all filthi- nefs of the fl f and fpirit, perfetling holinefs in the fear of God. But the motives of the gofpel will properly be confidered under the Second head of difcourfe propofed, namely, the reafons which fhould induce us to filch a converfation as hath been defcribed, or the obligations we are under to fatisfy the de- E e 3 maids