Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

recommended, 4 2 3 tention of the dofrine which they taught, S E R M. that it was fent in an extraordinary manner, XV. and in a very corrupt frate of mankind for `"""' their reformation. Now, may we not even from this conclude, fince God is the author of chriftianity, that it bath an aptitude to anfwer its end, and therefore that it layeth men under fironger and more peculiar ob- ligations to amend their lives and perform their whole duty, than otherwife they would have been, there being no other conceivable way by which chriftianity, confidered as a reve- lation from heaven, could be ufeful to this purpofe mentioned. The wifdom of any fcheme confifreth in the goodnefs of the end propofed by it, and the choice of the belt and moft effefrual means for obtaining that end. The declared defign of the gofpel is certainly the nobleft that could be intended; it is in all refpefs worthy of God, worthy of the moft perfef purity and infinite good - nefs, to recover a fpecies of reafonable crea- tures, who had corrupted themfelves, and fallen from their original dignity and happi- nefs, to innocence and righteoufnefs, and thereby to a capacity of enjoying the divine favour. With this view, chriftianity appear - eth in the world, introduced with great fo- lemnity ; the expeaations of men had been E e 4. raifed