Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

424. A Converfation becoming the Gofpel SE R M. railed by prophecies, which foretold that a XV. great falvation was to be revealed to them. Ac- cordingly, a very eminent perfon comethwith high pretenfions, to no leis a character than that of the fon of God, and thofe pretenfions he fupported, and confirmed his doctrine, by many illuftrious miracles. Now, if he did not teach men better things than they were taught before, if he did not enforce his precepts of righteouf- nefs more strongly, and add a greater weight to the motives of virtue, confequently if a con - verfation becoming the gofpel be not a pecu- liarly righteous and holy converfation, where is the wifdom of all this, and how doth it anfwer the end ? Whatever the fuceefs may be, which requireth the compliance and active concurrence of men themfelves, and it is in their power, as free agents, to with -hold it, as, in fact, the principles of natural religion, which have the fame general defign, had been before rendered ineffectual, and men corrupted their ways, running into fuperíli- tion and vice, against the clear dictates of reafon ; nay, our Lord Jefus Chrift himfelf, and his apostles plainly foretell this event, that the condition of many (inners would be rendered the worfe for the gofpel, not by its natural tendency, but through their own perverfe and wilful difobedience, their love of dark -