Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

426 A Converfation becoming the Gofpel S E R M, fincere repentance and reformation. It is XV. true that men, even without a revelation, ""-J have great reafon to believe that God, whofe tender mercies are over all his works, and who exercifeth fuch long- fuffering, patience, and forbearance, towards mankind, is pla- cable, if his offending creatures heartily re- pent and amend their doings, and that his impartial equity will make a difference be- tween fuch as do fo, and them who con - tinue obftinately impenitent and difobedient ; but how far his wifdom might fee fit to teal- fy his difpleafure againft the finful inventions even of the penitent, and what he may re- quire previoufly to their enjoying the full effe1s of his reconciled favour, their reafon could not fo fully fatisfy them, but that it muftbe acknowledged an invaluable advantage to have a pofitive and clear declaration from himfelf well attefted, that he will grant them a full and free remiffion of all their fins, that he will be merciful to their unrighteoufnefs, and remember their tranfgref%ions no more and this we have by Jefus Chrift, in whole name repentance is preached and forgivenefs. An ingenuous mind will find itfelf ftrongly engaged by' the facred bond of gratitude to the mercy of God, who hath publiffied his law of grace, .excellently accommodated to our