recommended. ¿ 27 our Rate of infirmity, and guilt, whereby he S E R M. enjoineth and promifeth to accept of repent- XV. ance, that is, an affectionate return to our duty, with a hearty concern for our pail of- fences, and a diligent endeavour to do his will for the future. There is a mighty force in that argument, which is fo ftrongly urged by the facred writers, ye are not your own, for you are bought with a price, which is explained thus, ye are redeemed from your vain converfation received by tradition from your firthers, not with corruptible things, as filver and gold, but with the precious blood of Chri/l, as of a lamb without blemifh and with- out fpot; therefore glorify God in your bodies and fpirits, that is, abound in all good works, and in the practice of every virtue, whereby you may do honour to, and promote the caufe of, truth and pure religion which is the caufe of God ; and a converfation like the red of the corrupt world is fo far from be- coming the gofpel, you fhould be perfuaded by the mercies of God which it bringeth and delareth to you, no more to be conf-ormed to the world, but to be tranformed by the renewing of your minds. 2dly, Another great encouragement we have is, the promife of divine afüftance in or- der to our doing good works, and ftanding 3 corn-