Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

recommended. 429 will put my fpirit within you, and caufe you to S E R M. walk in my flatutes. But in the New Tefta- XV. ment this is declared more plainly. Our Sa- `^r-3 viour affureth his difciples that their heavenly Father will give his fpirit to them that afk him. There were indeed miraculous gifts of the Holy Ghoft given to the apoftles and others for the confirmation of chriflianity, but the Spirit is alto given to other chriftians, to in- ftrua, and eftablifh, and comfort them; and the apoftle teacheth us that the virtues of temperance, patience, meeknefs, and charity, are the fruits of the Spirit, produced, exer- cifed, and carried to perfeítion, by his af- fiftance. The examples propofed in fcrip_ ture for our imitation carry alfo in them a ftrong perfuafive force, fence they Phew that as virtue appeareth beautiful and lovely in the defcription, fo it is praíticable in life ; that it is not only for fuperior natures, but fhineth with a peculiar luftre, when it refifteth many difficulties, and conquereth violent oppofition. Above all, the perfeEt pattern given us by 7efus Chr, the captain of our Salvation, who was made perfe.t by fufferings, his ex- ample, I fay, fhould infpire us with a noble ardor and ftrong refolution to follow his fteps. La Illy,