recommended. 43 i which he hath promifed, that crown of S E R M, righteoufnefs and of life which the Lord the XV. righteous judge will give to all who look for `^rte and love his appearing; but to every one par- ticularly in exahl proportion to the improve- ment he hath made of his talents in this fate of trial, and his progrefs in virtue. Now, is the feed -time, hereafter will come the har- veft, when as every man foweth fo fhall he reap ; not only in general, he that foweth to the flefh, (hall of the flefh reap corruption, and he that foweth to the fpirit, fall of the /pirit reap life everlafling ; but of that great hap - pine Cs which is called life everlafting, there are various degrees, and he that foweth fparing- ly, in the works of piety and beneficence, fhall reap fparingly, and be that foweth boun- tifully (hall reap alfo bountifully. The pro - fpeh of this is a fufficient inducement to di- ligence in every good work, or to the or- dering our converfations aright, and a fuffi- cient fupport againft all temptations and difficulties ; our faith is the victory that over - cometh the world. I fhall conclude this difcourfe with recom- mending once more the apofile's exhortation in the text to your ferious thoughts and care- ful attention. A converfation becoming the gofpel is that wherein true religion confifleth, and