43 2 A Converfation becoming the Gofpel, &c. S E R M. and upon which our future felicity dependeth ; XV. it is that only which can fecure the peace of our minds, and our rejoicing as it did St. Paul's, 2 Cyr. i. 12. and affure our hearts be- fore God, in expectation of our appearing before his judgment-feat; it is what we are directly and immediately bound to by our chriftian profeflion, and is the proper im- provement of all the means of inftruction we enjoy, and all our chriftian privileges, with- out which it may be juftly faid, Chr/ will profit us nothing, and we have received the grace of God in vain. To be frt in cere- monies and forms, and punctually to attend pofitive inftitutions, is not to do what our religion principally requireth, it will neither pleafe God nor be profitable to ourfelves ; but what is abfolutely neceffary, and only worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called is to do jujily, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God; to abound in the works of righteoufnefs, fubftantial piety and goodnefs, thofe amiable fruits of holinefs and virtue which are by Jefus Chr to the glory and praife of God. F I N I S: