Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

Men tempted to Evil by their own Lufls. 41 termineth againft them, no crime is Com- S E R M. mitted, nor (hall be imputed. I do not II. mean, by all this, that guilt is not con - traded without the external overt ads to which men are tempted ; fo indeed human judicature determineth, for its cognizance cannot reach to what paffeth in the mind ; but God trieth the hearts of the children of men, and confcience judgeth for him upon the determinations of the heart, which are known only to itfelf. And we mutt be convinced this is juft; for the inquiry and the judgment being concerning moral evil, it relateth only to the prevalent affedfions, the choices, and purpofes of the mind, in which it is confummated ; not to external aftions, which may be prevented through want of power to accomplifh them, or by fome undefìgned occafion ; or the mind may be hindered to execute its ill defigns by motives in which there is no goodnefs at all. But if we are confcious to ourfelves that however we may be tempted from within as well as from without, however we may be folicited to evil by the reprefen- tations of pleafure, profit, honour, danger, or whatever the temptation be ; yet that the propofed choice and purpofe is pe- remptorily refufed, we Rand clear in the 2 judgment