Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

.Alen tempted to Evil by their own Lu/IS. Si could not touch his body without a farther S E x M. permitrion. But what can we fuppofe our II. gracious heavenly Father fuffereth his and our enemy to do ? Not furely to tempt irre- fiftibly : an irrefiftible power he doth not himfeif exert upon the human mind, be- caufe he will preferve that liberty which is effential to its nature; and he will not per- mit an envious being to exert a refiftlefs power to our deftrufion ; if that being had fuch a power, which he certainly hath not. We may well conclude, that God's not per- mitting the devil to tempt us above our ftrength to refift, is imported in this, that God tempteth no man ; for that, indeed, would be the fame thing to all the intents and purpofes of mens inevitable deftruaion, and vindicating themfelves from being the caufes of it. But the apoftle exhorteth us chap. iv. of this epiftle and 7th verfe, refift the devil, and he will flee from you. Be not in a pannic on the account of his attempts, which will give him an advantage againft you inftead of being any fecurity ; but arm yourfelves with ftrong virtuous refolutions; his temptations then will be ineffectual, and they will foon ceafe even to vex you, The truth is, they are all grafted upon your own lufts, without which his folicitations will E 2 be