Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

56 Of Natural, Moral, and Civil Liberty. N; a M. be confidered that he is under a law of IfI felf- approbation, which may be called the primary law of his nature, enforced with this powerful fanäion, that the higheft en- joyment he is capable of dependeth upon obeying it, the moft painful remorfe fol- loweth the violation of it, as every one's experience may convince him. To the ob- fervance of this law, the liberty jufl now defcribed is abfolutely neceffary, for felf- approbation dependeth upon reffe &ion, and the meaning of it is, the fatisfaecion in our own minds, which refulteth from a confci- oufnefs of having done what appeared to our, felves bell after mature and impartial delibera- tion : and, as its being the law of human nature fignifieth, that it is the law of God, the defigning author of our conftitution, in whofe perfect wifdom, equity, and good - nefs, we are fecure againft his violating it by a contrary command, for we can never have reafon to believe he requireth any thing inconfiftent; fo it is impoffible any inferior being fhould have a right to difcharge us of this obligation, nor confequently to deprive us of any freedom which is neceffarily con - neded with it. But we are irnperfea moral agents, and our liberty is capable of being abufed, nay 2 inn -