196 ring to his fathers , (as was fpoken before of A- brahant;v.8.) and the burying of his father with his'brother verf 9. may be fore probability of Ifmaels repentance, and dying in the faith of A- braham : for unleffe it be he, no repobate hath his whole life tiros recorded in holy Scripture. Or if Ifmacl dyed wicked ; then by his fetbert to whom he was gathered are meant the Conies of wicked men before him : which are jpirits in prifon, 2 Pet.3.29. 18 Verf. t 8. they] that is, Ifmaels fortes dwelt. In Greeke, k dwelt. Sitar] a place in the wilder - neffe :fee Gen 6.7. The Chaldee thereand here calleth it Gbagra. did be fall] meaning either, that his lot did befall him, fo to dweß,or that he fo dyed,as the word fall fometime lignifieth, Pf 22. 7.Gen.14.to. But the Greeke here tranflateth it, be dwelt: fo alfo doth the Chaldee paraphraft,and fo the plaine text was before,in the promife,Gen. 16. t 2.and tò mate to fsil,is to divide by lot an in- heritance.to dwell in,Iofz 3.4.Pfa1.y8.5 5. I;) 9 F1 Here beginneth the fixt fe &ion of the Law,called The generations of Ifaak.See Gen.6.g. 19 Ver.s9.the generations] that is,the hiftory of the oft fpring of Ifaak ; and things that befell unto him,asGen.2.t.and 5.1.and 6.9. 20 Verf. 20. old] Hebr. forme of furtyycere, fo v.26. fee Gen.5.3 2. the Syrian] the Hebrew name is Anemia : whirls the holy Ghoft in Greeke calleth Syrian Luke 4.27. See Gen.ro.22. Padan Aram] the fame that AramNabarajim,Gen.z 4. t o. for the Greeke turneth them both, Mefopotamia of Syria. Aram is Syria, Gen. 24.2 o. and i o. 22 Padan in the Syrian tongue is a payee or couple, and the country of Aram lying between a couple of rivers, is fo named PadatAran,: and fometime only Padan,as Gen.48.7. 21 Verf.2 n jar] or, direl7ly-fi r s (as the force of the ) Hebrew word implyeth andbefore bit w fo it feemeth to bee fore folemne prayer which they made together dire &ly for thismatter : having lived twenty yeeres together without any child, and Ifaak wexen old,into the 6o yeete of his life, ver.26. God exercifing his faith hereby,as he had doncAbrahams,Gen.t 5.2.The levees have a tra- dit ion,that Ifaak went with his wife to mount Mo- rijah , to the place where be bad been bound, ( Gen.22. 22 9.) andprayed there:Pirh K- Eliezer,cb 32. Verf.22. fr:rgled- together] or, bruifedtbemfelve,, by firugling : which did prefage the contrarietie that lhould be between there two brothers : and fo between thechildren of God,& of thisworld. iffo.,&e.] an unperfe& fpeech, which in her paillon the uttered : the Greeke tnwtflateth it,ifit (ball fo be with me, why (is) this unto me ? why have I conceived, if I muff feele fuch things ? to en- quire] or feeke,either by private prayer,or by ask- ing fore Prophet. The leru/alemyThargum taketh it in this laft fenfe, and faith, fire went to the Scboole of Sem the great : Howbeit Sem was dead about ten yeeres before this : but by Abraham, or Heber, the great Patriarch, then living, fhee might well inquire ofGod.Others, (as R. Eliezer, Perek32.) I VI t IMO" d GE NESI S XXV. take it to bee meant of her praying untoGod. Ver.23.Two nations] that is,fathers of two na- tions , and divers peoples : Edonti: es and Ifrae- lites. the greater] to weet, in digniy, which came naturally by the fell birthright : or, the elder:The Hebrew Rab , (whereof great men and matter, are called Rabbies, Iohn 2.39. Mat.23.8.) fignifieth a fuperiour indignity. The holy Ghoft inGreeke tranflateth it,thegreater, Rom.9.1 2. Hereby Efau and hispotteritie are meant. Thaii fine] as came to paffe carnally, when theÆdomites (of Efau) became ferrants to David , and to the Ifraelites which were of lakeb, a Sam.8.14.and fpiritually, when Iakob got of Efau the firft birthright, and bereaved him of the bleffing, Gen.25,33,and 27. 29. For frvitude came in with a eurfa, and figu- reth reprobation,Gcn.9.25lohn 8.34,35Ga1.4. 30.3 2. Therefore from hence the Prophet teach - eth, that God lazed Iakeb, and batedEfau,Mal.i. 2, 3. and the Apof le gathereth the do&rive of Gods eleftion and reprobation, laying, when Re- beke bad conceived by nu , even by our father Ifaak, the children being coot yet born, neither having done any good or evil[, that the pierpof of pod according to elellion might _pond, not of works but of him that calleth, it wan fail lento her the greater /hall forre the leir , m it it written , Iakob have Iloved, but Efate have 1 ba- ted,Rom.9. i o,11,12,13. Verf.25.red]afigne of the cholcricke, cruell, 25 and bloody diepofition, found in Efau himfelfe, and in hispofterity, Gen.27.4o,41. Obad.i.s d. E2ek.z 5.12.So the cruel! perfecuting Dragon was of red colotir,Rev, i 2.3 .The HebrewDoEtors fay, Efau the wicked, was drawn after the worker of judge- ment, myfliea/ly fignifed in theft word. r, Ardby thy fà+ord fbak ;boa live, Gen.27.4o. and therefore be was red: R. Menachem Rakenat. on Gen.25.'And in Brefstb rabbah they note, how be wen red, andbie meat war red, Gen.2 5.3o. and hie land war red,(ae in Gen.32.3.) &e. Audie that taker vengeaneeon him' is red; and in red clothing, Song 5.i o.Efay 63.1,2. all over] Herby. all of bim like ,a mantle of hayrt; which the Greeke tranflateth, like a rough bide. This alfo fgnified his ftrong, fierce, and crafty nature : For baye is a ligne of naturali ftrength ; and nature being corrupted, hairineffe deno- tech the power of corruption; therefore when Lepers were purified all their hayre was to be (haven off,Lev.14.8.So the Hebrews fay,thac his hayrineffe fsgnified the firengtb of undeanneffi which, came out ofbim : R. Menacbem, on Gen.z 5. Efate] by interpretation, Mack , or Perfec ed: as being of amore firong and perfe&conftitution natural!, then other children : rather like a man then a babe. Verf.26.tbs heels] or feat f re; as if he would have 26 pulled backe his brotherfrom the birth,and have berne before him : or at lealt, for to overthrow him, Which as God by their former firugling in her body,and nowby this behaviour, did lignifie: fo theProphet mentioneth it after to Iakobs chil- dren, how'he thus ftrove for the grace of the firit birthright,which they by fin fuffered themfelves to be deprived of, Hof..22.z;3. This manner of birth 23 /.4111N7,/UDNI