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18$. PSALMS CXL!LE. 5 they privily laid a fnare for me. I did looke on the right hand and fee , and no manac- knowledged me;refuge is peri fled from me, 6 no man feeketh for my foule. I cried unto rhee,Jehovah ; I Paid, thou art my hope for fafety, my portion in the land of the living. 7 Attend unto my Ihouting, for I am brought very low; deliver me from my perfecutors, 8 for they are ftronger than I. Bring forth my fouleout of the elole prifon,to confeffe thy name; the juft fhall inviron me about, for thouwilt hounteoufly reward unto me. Annotations. 1 1N the cave] fled thither from the perfecution of !Saul, t Sam.24.4. &c. Verfe 4 maeoverwhelmed] or, frowned, fainted: 4 fee Pfa1.77.4. then thou] Heb. and thou: fo, And he faith, Marke 14.34. is expounded , T hen he faith, Mat.26.38. Verfe 5.1did looke ] or, Looke. thou , &c. conti- 5 nuing his complaint to God. But the Greek tnr- neth it, I confedered : and the Hebrew Locke tbou,or To bake , is often refolved by other definite per- Cons : fee the notes Pfal.22. 9. and 49.15. & 65. 11. & 77.2. & 103.20. and fee] or, and behold, to wit, on the left hand. refuge] Or flight. it perj- edfrom me] that is, faileth nie : I have no place to fly unto and el'cape. So Iob 11.20. Ambs 2.14. feeketh] that is, careth for : fo Prov. 29. 10. ufu- ally to feeke the feule, is in the ill part to defiroy it: fee Pfalme 35+ 7 V.7. brought low] orweakated: fee Pfal.216.6. 8 Ver.8 the prifin] the cave wherein I am fhut up clofe. inviron] compaje, as Pfalme 22.13. or, expetI, as Iob 36.2. and fo the Greeke tranflateth, the juft (ball wait for me , until! thou reward mee. See Pfalme r3.6. The Chaldee faith, for my fake the juft fhall make thee a mole of prayfee , becaufe thou milt ren- der agood reward to me. PsAL. GXLIII. David prayeth far favour injudgement. 3 Hce cow- o plainethof hit Briefes. 5 He f rengthnetb hit faith by me- ditation and prayer. 7 He prayetb far grace, 9 for delive- rance, 10 f rfantlification,1 z far deft ruETin: of hit ene- mies. I A Pfalme of David. J Ehovah hearemy praier,give care to my fupplications for grace ; in thy faithful - neffe anfwer me in thy juflice.And enter 2 not intojudgement with thy fervant, for be- fore thee f hall not any living bee juflified. For the enemy perfecuteth my foule , fmi. teth downe my life to the earth,maketh mee 4 fit in darkeneffes,as the dead for eyer. And my fpirit is overwhelmed in me, in midi! of 5 me my heart is wondroufly amazed. I re- member the dayes of'old, I meditate on all thy worke, I mule on the aEtion of thy hands. I fpread out my hands unto thee;my 6 foule, as a weary land, thirtieth for thee Se- lah. Make (peed, anfwer me Jehovah, my 7 fpirit faileth; hide not thy.face fromme, for 1 I (hall be made like to them that goe dowse the pit. Caufe me to beare thy mercy in the morning,for in thee doe I trill' ; caufe me to know the way that I ( hould walk; for unto thee doe I lift up my fòule. Deliver me from 9 mine enemies, O Jehovah ; untothee I fly's for covert. Learne me to doe thine accepta hie will, for thou art my God,thy good fpi- rit (hall lead mee in the land of righteouf- neffe. For thy names fakeJehovah, thou I1 wilt quicken me , in thy julticewilt bring forth my foule out of diflreffe. And in thy mercywilt fuppre(le mine enemies, and de- ftroy all them that afiét my foule, for Jam thy fcrvant. 8 10 Iz vinnotations. AN enter not into judgement 3 or , but goe not to 2 j Law with me; by the deeds whereof no fle(h Stall be juftified in thy fight, Rom. 3. 20. fo fob 22,4 & 14. 3. Efa.3.14.In Chaldce, geenot into the jud ementball,namely,to judge with feverity. not any] or,not al,that is,none living: fo Mat.24.22. not all,that is,no f fh,i Ioh.2.2 ery lie it not,that is, no lie is of the truth; fo 2 Pet.1.2o.Pfa1.76,6. Verfe 3. ny lit ] or, my company; theHebrew fig - nifieth both, Iob 33.18.23. Plà1.68.1 s. darke- nejes]or dark places : fo Halm. 88.7,19. and 74, 20. for ever]or,of eternity, of old, meaning dead long finte, and for ever after : the word refpefteth time pall, and to come. So Lani.3.6. Verfe 4 ozerwhelmed] feintetb, or, it perplexed: fee Pfal.79.4. wondrou, fly amazed]aflonifhed, or de- pare. Qr. troubled. See this word,Ei ey 59.16. and 63.5. Dan.8.27. Pfal 40.16. Verfe 5. of old] or of aniigttiy ; fo Pfal.77.6. Verfe 6. (readout] that is, pray ; as the Chal- dee faith, ff read out my bonds inprayer. See P121.44. a1. weary]thatis, dry and rhirfly: in Greeke waterle : fee Hal. 63.2. Vale 7. for 1) or left l; Hebr. and I; which may be supplied thus, left I perip, and he made like, &c. See Pfalme 28,1. V. 8. in themorning] fpeedily : fo Pfal.9o.14. 8 V.9.I fly fir covert] or,I cover(Ibide)my felfe,fly- 9 ing unto thee : or, to thee Icovertly fly, fecretly dif- clofing to thee that which I would hide from o- thers : fo the Greeke, Iflytothee. The Chaldee expoundeth ir, I bave made thy Word my redeemer. V.10. thy goodffiritfha!l (old me] to the Greeke Io tranflateth this, and the relt, as allured: wee may alfo reade it prayer-wife, let thygood ffirit lead ne5 or, thy fpirit isgood; let irleademe, &c. and fo the refl. Compare Neh. 9.20. in the lard] into the land of righteeufntflr ; in a plaice (t r it. to) ground: fee Pfalme 26.12. Efay 26.10. P s A L 3 4 5 6 7