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PS ALME CXLIV. CX[,V. PsAL. CXLIV. David hief th God for bit mercy in helping him in his warren. 3 He canfe tb mans mile' and unwarthine, 5 prayeth that God would powerfully deliver him from his enemies. 9 He promifetb to praif God. I I Hee Jheroeth :he vanity of worldly felicity, 15 and happineffe of Godspeople. r vt Pfalme of David. Leffed be Jehovah my Rocke, which B learneth my hands to the battell, my z fingers to the warre. My mercyand my forrrefte, my high tower and my deli. verer for me ; my fhield, and he in whom I hope for fafety , that fubjeéteth my people 3 under me.Jehovah,whatisearthly man,that thou takeft knowledge of him ; thetonne of wretched man, that thou makelt account of 4 him ± Earthly man is like to vanity,his daies 5 are as a fhadow that paffeth away. Jehovah, bow thy heavehs and comedowne, touch 6 the mountaines and they (hall fmoake. Ligh- ten the lightning, and fcatter them afunder; 7 fend thine arrowes and difturbe them. Send thy hands from the high place ; releafe Me, and deliver me from the many waters,from 8 the Land of the Ions of the ftranger.Whofe mouth fpeaketh falle vanity, and their right 9 hand ss a right hand of falihood. O God, I will fing unto thee a new long ; with Pfalte- rie and tenftringed inirument I will fing IO Pfalmesto thee. That giveth faivation unto Kings,thatreleafeth David his fervantfrom the evil fivord. Releafe me anddeliver me from the hand of the Cons of the Pranger, whole mouth fpeaketh falfe vanity, & their I a right hand is a right.hand of falfhood. That our Tonnes as plants growne great in their youth,our daughters as corner flans, cut of 13 ter the fimilitude of a Palace. Our garners fttll,affording from meat to meat; our flocks bringing forth thoufands , increafed by ten r4 thoufands in our ftreets. Our Oxen leaden, no breaking in,and none going out , and no 15 out-cry in our (treas. O bleffed is the peo- ple whofe flare is luch; O bleffed is the peo- ple whole God is Jehovah. II 3 Annotations. Mr Rock] in Greeke, my God : fee Pf 1.18.3. V. 3. takefi knowledge] or, acknowledges, aareffor : compare Prat. 8.5: and t. 6. and 3i.8. makeff account] or, ,hinkel on him. Verle4.pafèth Amy] vanifloeth. Compare Pfal. I 02.12. ECder. 7.2. Verle 5. come dowse] for my helpe, and my foes ruine : fee Palm and tbeyPP] or that obey may fmoake : fee Pfalme 104.32. Verle 6. Lighten] that is, Cafi firth : Compare Pral. t 8.2 5. ebfl ter be) or trouble, that is,dif- comfit and deftroy : fee this word, Exod.29.24 and i3.27. V. y the high place] that is, the heaven : compare Pfal.t 8.tß. many waters]which the Chaldee ex- poundeth, armies, file to many waters. Jens of the firanger] of aorange God or people : as Plainte t37. 4, borne aliants ; fee Pfalme 18.45. , Verfe 9. new frog] of triumph: fee the notes on Pfalme 33.2,3 Verfe so. Thatgiveth]underftand, 0bthatgí- veth, that is , 0 tbon thatgiveff, &e. See the like phrafe inPfal. 52.20. and 65, 7. Or, Is is bee that gtvetb. Verfe 12. NFU/WSJ underftaud, areas plasm : for this feemeth to be an imitation or expreffing of the vaine words of the wicked fore-mentio- ned , which fay , our fens are at plants, &c. whole boafting continueth till the !aft clynie, which is oppofed to all their worldly felicity. The Greek to make this plainer, changeth perfen, and rran- flateth, Whofe font (or, Of whom theirformes) are new plants, &c. So elfewhere the Greeke ufeth the like change of perfon,as in Gen.26,y. Orginder- banding it of thegodly, fupply , may be ae plants, ere. and fo it hath retpeá to the outward blef- fings of the law, Dem. 28.4. &c. Ih this latter fenfe the Chaldee taketh it. eilt] that is, bewen, carved, polifled. Verle 13. garners] or, Corners, Chambers , Cel- lars, places of !tore and provifioá , made ufuahy in nooks and corners of houles. .. from meat to nonio] or,fromfore so fire, that 15a all forts anditore of vi&uals. Verf i4. leaden] that is, fat and lielhly, or able tobeare loads ; or, big with young. no breach] in the wals, foc thé énemy to enter the town. none going out] no cattell driven away by the enemy. Verle t 5. trhofe flare is fuch] as is before mentio- ned: the Greeke tetneth it. They count that peopk bkfd which bath theft things . whofeGod] this fen - tence is oppofed to al the other worldly wealth. t .44ktt434 át sl t14t43t43tz36° :i;,dffif iTill ftif if if P s L. CXLV. David praifeth God for hisgreatnef, power,glory,and fearefell atis, 7 Hisgoodnef¡e, jufitce,'mercie ; I s bit kingdom and gracious providence unto all: 18 Hit flc- ciallmercies to thofe that call upon him, that flare and lave him. AnHymne of David, IWill extoll thee my God, O King,and bielfe thy name for ever and aye. a In every day will I blefïè thee, and a praife thy name forever and aye. 3 Great is Jehovah, and praifed vehe. Is mently, I