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136 1 SALME CXLVI. mently, & of his greatnes,thrre is no fearch. 4 Generation to generation (hall laud thy werkes,and they fhall Phew thy powers. 5 The comely honour of the glory of thy Maje(ly, and the words of thy marvels will I ralkeof. 6 And the fhength cf thy fearefull a is they shall fpeake of, and thy greatneffe , it will I declare. 7 The memory of the multitude of thy goodneffe they (hall utter , and thy juflice they (hall shout. 8 Gracious and pitifullis Jehovah ; long fuffering, and great in mercy. 9 God is Jehovah unto all : and-his ten -, der mercies are over all his workes. I o All thy workes (hall confeffe thee,Je- hovah, and thy gracious Saints bleffe thee. r t They shall tell the glory of thy king - dome, and fpeake of thy power. 1 a To make knowne to the fonnes of A- dam his powers, and the glory of the come- ly honour of his kingdome. 13 Thy kingdome is a kingdome of all eternities, and thy dominion in every gene- ration and generation. 14 Jehovah upholdeth all that fall, and uprightneth all that are crooked. r 5 The eyes of all looke attentively unto thee, and thou givefl to them their meat in his time. 16 Openeft thine hand, and fatisfieft the delire of every living thing. 17 Iu(t is Jehovah in all his wayes and mercifull in all his workes. 18 Neere is Jehovah to all that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. 19 Hee will doe the delire of them that feare him ; and will heare their cry,and will favethem. z o Jehovah preferveth all them that love him, and all the wicked he will aboli(h. z1 My mouth fhall fpeake the praife of Jehovah , and let all fle(h blefTe the name of his hol ineffe, for ever and aye. Annotations. AN Hymne] or Praif, and hereof the whole booke in Hebrew is called the hoof. of Hymnes. This Hymne is compofed after the order of the HebrewAlphabet, only one letter wanting. See Pfal.a5.1. are] or perpetually : See Pfa1.9.6., Ver. 3. pralled] lee Nil. 18.4. iosearch] that is,it is pall finding dut: ofgreatneffi,fee Pfa., 50.2. Vet lé 4.powers] that is,powerfull(mighty)atis : Co verte ix. Mati 3.5 8. Verse 5. honour of the glory] or gloriout honour, or 5 comeline(. words of thy marvels] that is, thy miracles, thymarvefete words (or things.) So,word: of fong, Pflme 137.3. talke]difrourfe of, or meditate. Verse 8.pitiftd]or, compafonate. Compare 8 Pfal.1 o3.8. EExod.34 6. long fairing] cr, flow to anger: fee Plilnie 86.15. Verse to. shall coroffe] or, let them confefe, &c. V erfe 11. tell] talky of, or preach : Heb. joy. Verse 14. uprightneth] hfietb right up, or maketh Trait all that are beaded dews, or bowed together : fo Pfalme 146.5. Verle i 5. in hit time] that is, in due f ajon : See Pfalme 1.3. and 104.27. Verle 16. the defre] or pleafitre, or,with content- ment, contentedly, acceptably; with that which fee - meth good to thee, and pleafeth (or contenteth) them. Verse 18. in truth] this word implieth faith, sincerity, earne(tne(fe and conitancie. Compare Deut.4.7. Iohn 4.24. Verse 19. the def ire] or, the will, the pleafrne,and 19 contentment, as verte 16. Wee are to defire that Gods will may be done, here hedóth his fervants will : fo he honoureth them that ho- nour him, 1 Sam.a.3o. Verle a 1. (ball fpeake] or, Let my motttb f ea1L. all fiefh] all forts of people, fee Pfalme 65.3. Io II 14 Ij 16 r8 1142**********TictI Ps 6L. CXLVI. The Pfalmif voweth perpetual!Araites to Gad. 3 He exborteth not to truf in man. 5 God for his power, jutice, mercy aid kingdame , it only worthy to be miffed in, and celebrated. 21 Halelu-jah. m. Y foule, praife thou Jehovah. I will praife Jehovah in my life, I will fing Plalmes to my God while I' am. Truft not yee in bounteous Princes ; in fon of Adam , with whom is no falvarion. His spirit goeth forth , hee returneth to his earth, in that day his thoughts peri(b. 0 5 bleffed is he, inwhofe helpe the God of Ia. kobis, whole hope is in Jehovah his God. Which made heavens & earth,the fea, & all that in them is; wah keepeth truth for ever. Which Both judgement to the opprelfed, giveth bread to the hungry ; Jehovah loo- feth the bound.lehovah openeth the eyes of the blind ; Iehovah uprightneth the crook- ed; Iehovah loveth the juif. Jehovah keep - eth the (bangers, fetteth upright the father - leffe and the widow, and overthroweth the way of the wicked.Iehovah (hall reigne for ever; thy God, O Sion, to generation and generation ; Halelu-jah. Annotations. 3 4 6 7 8 9 IO