//// ihtwil NSnLME CXLy71t. Annotations, Akbc jab] that is , Praife yes 5th : fee Pfalme 35.1. 2 Verfe 2. in my life] fo long as I live : fo Pfalme 104.33 4 Verfe 4. his Jj rit] mans gimp ; fo the fade is faid togae firth, Gen.35.t8. to bit earth] whereof he was made; earth is in Hebrew Adamab; hereof man was called Adam, Earthily ; compare Gen. a. 7. ana 3.19. PfaL i 04.29. his thoughts] or parpofes, the moil excellent effelts of the mind or fpirit of man. Verfe 7. thebeund]orprifoners; but here it may be meant more largely; for feckneffes alfo are Sa- tans bonds, which oar Lord Chrift hoofed, Luke 53. 16. See alfo Efay 61.1. 8 yerfe 8. openetb the rtes] orgiveth fight to : com- pare Mat.9.19.3o. Ioh. 9 6.7. 32. aprightnetb] or maletb ffrait; as Pfal.145.1 4. fee this fulfilled, Luke 13.13. 9 Verfe 9. fetteth upright] maketh to continue fare : fo Pfal.20.9. and 147.6. Compare Deut. to. 18. and 27.19. Exod;22.22.23,24. Pfal.68.6. cvertbroreetb] or turneth ap -fide damn : fo Iob 19: 6. See alfo Pfalme 1.6. 1 ' 944 +11 pia p }ái. CLXVII. 7 The Prophet exhorteth to prailee Gad, for hit care of the Church, wifedome , power, mercy and providence unto all. 12 To prai(P him for his ble pings upon the l ingdome, 15 for bit worker in nature, 19 and far bù gracious word and ordinances given tai bit people. 1 Rayle yet Iab, for it is good to fing Pfalmes to our God, for it is plea- 2 iii fant,praife to comely. Jehovah build - eth Ierufalem , gathereth together the our- cafts of Ifrael. Hoe healeth the broken in 4 heart and bindeth up their griefes. COun- teth the number of the fiats, callerh them 5 all by names: Great is our Lord , and much ill able might; of his underflanding there 6 is no number. Jehovah fetteth upright the meeke, debafeth the wicked unto the 7 earth. Sing Yee to Jehovah with confeffion, fing Pfalmes to Our God with the harpe. 8 That covereth the heavens with clouds,that prepareth raine for the earth , that maketh g I the mountaines to bud forth graffe. bat giveth to the beaft his food, to the young Io I ravens tvhich cry. He delighteth not in the fireegth of the horfe , hee taketh not plea - 11 lure in the legs of man. Jehovah taketh pleafure in them that feàrehim,that patient- s a Iv hope for liismercy. Laud Jehovah , O 13 Jerufalçnn ; praife thy God, O Sion. For he 3 187 firengtheneth the bars of thy gares,hc bief- feth thy fons within thee. He putteth in thy 14 border peace: hee fatisfieth thee with the fat of wheat. Hee fendeth his ediâupon 1 S earth, his word runnethvery fwiftly. Hee 16 giveth fnow like wooll, the hoare froft hee fcattereth abroad like afhes, He cafteth forth 17 his ice like models ; who can Rand before his cold e He fendeth his word and melteth 18 them, he caufeth his wind to blow, the wa- ters flow. Hee fheweth hi, words unto la- 19 cob, his (brutes and his judgements unto Ifrael. Hee hash not dealt fo with any Na- 20 tion, and judgements they have not knowne them ; Halelu jah. Ldnnatations. OVs- cafta] or driven out ; in Greche thedifper- z V leans, (that is,tbe difperfd,) which word the Apoffleufeth, 1 Pet. 1. t. Jam. t.a. Compare Deut.3o.4. Efay 11. 12. and 56.8. Ioh.' 1.52. Verfe 3. bindeth up their grits ] that is, healeth their trounds,as Luke 4.18. with Efay 61.1. Com- pare alloEzek.34.16. Verfe 4. Counteth]orTelleth, numbreth, which to man isintpolftble; fee Gen.i5.5. Ier.33:22. EfaY 40.26. V. S. na number] tìòx fearcbingaus, Efay 40.28. Verfe 6, fetteth upright] confirveth, to continue 6. yet : fee Pfalme 146.9. Verfe 7. Sing]or,Anfwer,that is, Sing bytarne:, 7 one after anther: as Exod r 541. Verle 8. withdouds] as in Elias time, i King. 8 í8.4q. the mount aines] and defarts where no man is, as Tob 38.26,27. Pflme 104.14. Verle 9. fed] Hebr. bread, that is the heath 9 their fod, as the (.ìrccfrc bath it. young ravens] Hebr. fins (that is a yonnglings) of the ravens. So it Iob 3 9.3. who prepareth far the raven bit meat , when hiiyoung ones call unto God , :rearing for loch of meat i Verfe 13. fircngtheneth] or bath made prong, a Eigne of Gods favour and Sions fafety fee the contrary,Lam.z.9. Ier.51.30. Amos 1.5. Pfal. 1 07.16. Efay 45.2. Thefe graces are to be refer- red unto the Church under the Gofpell, called the heavenly Ierufa/em,Rey.z t . z.andwhich is above, Ga64.26. So theHebrewDobtors fay, leiswrit- ten, Laud the Lord, Olerufalem : and doe Scripture fjeaf(eth of the Ierufalem that it alone. R. ifdenachem on Gen.3. Verfe 14. petted, in] or putteth thy border, 6rc. 14 that is, maketh peace in thy herders. Compare Efay 60.17,18. Ier, 12.12. aad 15.13. and 17.3. {I fat] that is, finejlawre i fo Hahne 81.17. V.15. ¡do edibl]or fayboe, that is, commandment. 15 Ver. 17. ice] or frofi,the frozert,hailé (Tones. can fiord] that is, endure it: foPro.27,4.Nah,1.6. 17 V. 19. hie words ] the tencommandements (or ma- 19 rah law)Exo.zo.t.called the ten wwd,Deat.to.4. i flower, decrees and confiiunians of Gods wor(hip ; fee 3 4 5 13 ~W111 p1111/..ve'