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í IS PS AL M ß C;XLVIII. CXL1X. !fee the note on Pfalme 2.7. judgement] the judiciall lames for punifhing offenders,Exod. 21. I. Pfalme 19.10. 20 Verfe 20. any] or ever ; but in Hebrew, all is often tired for any : fee Kahn. 103.2. and 143.2. judgements] the Greek faith, bia judgements be bath not manifeffed to them; which fente the He- brew alto may bears, be bath not made Isnowne to them, as the Chaldee allo interpreteth it. 00aF 43'k'44.eS09444.44 PsALMfi CXLVIII. The Pfalmifi exhorteth aß the heavenly, 7. the earthy, 11, and the reafmable creatures to praife God. Halelu jah. R aile yee Jehovah from the heavens, P praife yee him in the high places. 2, Praife ye him all his Angels,praife ye him all his bons. Praife yee him Sunne and Moone, praife yee him all flares of light. 4 Praife yee him heavens of heavens,and the 5 watersthat be above the heavens. Let them praife the name of Jehovah; for bee con,- 6 manded,and they were created. And he fta. blilhed them for aye for ever ; a ftatute hee 7 gave, and it (hall not paffe. Praife ye Jeho- vah from the earth,Dragons,and all deepes. 8 Fire and halle, Mow and vapour , formic 9 wind, doing his word. ; Mounraines and all a o hils, fruirfull trees and all cedars. The wild beaft and all cattell, creeping thing and te- thered fowle. Kings of the earth and all peoples,Princes and allIùdges of the earth. I2 Youngmen and alfo maidens, old menwit 3 children. Let them praife the name of Ie- hovah, for high advanced is his Name,even his alone ; his glorious Majeftie is above 54 earth and heavens. And bee bath exalted the home of his people, the praife ofall his gracious Saints, the fons of Ifrael, a people neeré him ; Halelu- jah. I1 I 3 4 6 Annotations. FAomthe heavens] yee heaven creatures; as the y Chaldee, yee holy creatures heaven: fo after, from the earth, verle 7. is earthly creatures. Compare Reve1.5.13. in the bigbplacesJ which the Chaldee expoundeth, high Angels. Verfe 3. jlarres of light] bright lhining ftarres, which prayfed God together, Iob 38.7. Verfe.}. above the heavens] in the closids of the afire, Gen .1.7. Iob 26.8. and 37.11. Verfe 6. Pfablifhed] or, made them fang, Plainte 159.91. a fiatute] that is, flatuter orde- crets, rules, ordinances, whereby every creature is bounded to his let time and place, as Iob 14.5. t 3: and 26. r 0. whereupon mention is made of the ffatutes or ordinances of heaz en of the Moose and _II arms , &c. Iob38.33. Ier.31.35.and 33.25. j. it fbalinot paffe] that is, notary of the things fore- mentioned Thal( paffe the ffarmte ( or bound) let of God; or it , the ffatutc fhall not paffe away, orfaile, or, not be altered ; as Eat. ,.19. and 9.27.28. Verfe 7. dragons] or whale - fifes, 7 Verfe $. vapour] or [make, exhalation, lampe. As g there and all other creatures are here flirted up ; to praife the Lord ; fo for our fakes are theft i things written, that we fhould learnt by them to l praife the Creator.And it is a rule in the Hebrew Canons , thatfor winds when they blowtempefiuoufly, and fer lightning and thunder, &c. for lights in the aire which feeme to be fiats that fa /l,or runfrom place to place, or bit zingffars, comets , &c. robin çt man filth anyof theft, .be is ,to blef God who bathfilled the world with bit power and might. Alf,bee thatfeab the beautified nea- tares, as going out hoot the fields or gardens in the faring time, flesh the trees keening and blojfeming, be is to blel Cod who bath not let his world lacks any thing, but bath created in it goodly creatures andfaire trees, &c. for the ufeofthe foss of Adam. So, for mauman:et and bila, feat and ilefarts, rivers, &c. if be fee any of themfrom three day es to three dayes , he it to ble the Creator of ale world. Maimony inMirneh, in Beracoth, fe &.14.13.15. Verle 1 o. feoheredfawle ] or winged bird : Hehr. bird of wing. Verfe 13. high advanced] or let in high : fo Elay 12.4. It is afirong tower, into which the righ- teous runneth, and is alfo fen an high in fafety,Pro- verbes Verfe 14. the borne] the pother and glory , as the 54 Chaldee faith, the glory of the kingdoms of his people : fee This is accomplilhed istChrifi the home offalvatien,Luk.I.69. the praife] under- ftand, which is the prayfof bit Saints, that is, their glory, or, an argument of prayfeto them. metre him] Gods peopleare laid to be neore unto him in refpeetof his covenant with them inChrift,E- phef..2. 13. their fervice of him, Levit.; 0.3. and tpirituall alliance in Chrift, loh. 2o. 17. 1 Iohn 3.1. For this word nigh, isttfed for kindred,Levit. 21.3. Chriftdraweth mere nnto _God for them, Ier. 30.21, and they by him, Hcb. i o.19, 22. Io 13 zztv man 4-11 mra Ps", L. CXLIX. God n pub &rely to be prayfed for his graces to bit Church, and power given to the fame, Halelu-jah. SIng ye to lehovah a new long, hi$ praife in the Church of gracious Saints. Let 2 Ifrael rejoyce in his makers, let the fons of Sion be glad in their King. Let them 3 praife his name with flute; with timbrel and harpe, let them fing Pfalmes unto him. For 4 Iehovah taketh pleafure in his people, bee will beautifie the meek with falvation. The S gracious Saints (hall be gladfome in glory, (hall fhout joyfully upon their beds. The 6 exaltations