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PEAL A44 CL. exaltations of God in their throat, & a two. j edged fword in their hand. To doe venge- ance on the heathens, reproofes in the na:i- 8 ons. To bind their Kings in chains,and their 9 Nobles infcttersof iron. To doe on them the judgement written, this comely honour id to all his gracious Saints; Halelu -jah. Annotations. 2 { LID makers] the Father, the VVord, and the Ho- lyGhufi,whichthreeareone, 1 Ioh.5.7. The mylterie of the Trinity is in the Hebrew phrafe; fo in many other, as, Let .. make man Maur image, Gen.1,26. Where is Ge e my makers ? Iob 35.10. Thy makers is thine husbands, Efay 54.5. Remember shy Creators, Ecc]' Al. s. and fi:hdry the like. Godalfoisour, mica, in 'nature and grace: feePfal.,00.3. dv AerKing]Cbrf: as 5 Song. 1 Verf34nithfrate ]asPfal.15o.4. or, inadance; Ier.31.4,13. P(àlm.30.12. One name is given both to the dance, and the pipe whereto they dan- ced. 4 Verfe 4. beautifte] or adorne, makegloriamo : fo Efay The Greeke faith, exalt. 6 Verfe 6. T be exaltations ] that is , exalting fangs, I h alts, high praifes , or , lìfiing up of the voice, pre i. ire tbeir tbroat] that is, aloud fpo- ken of,and proclaimed : fo Efay 58.1. Cry with the throat, is, Cry aloud. two edged] Hebr. a frordof months, that is, of two momhes,as is expreffed,Iudg. 3.16. inGreeke, two mouthed, that is, two edged, bi- ting or cutting two wayes. This fword is Gods word, and commeth out of Chrifts mouth, Ephcf 6.6.17.Heb.4.12. 7 Verfe 7. on the heathens] by preaching again(t their Idolatries , Aft.r 4.15. and 17.16.1 7 . 21. &c. Compare 2 Cor.4.5,6. Efay 41.15. re- proofs] for fine, as Iob. t 6.8. &c. Verfe 8. To biredé their Kings] rettraini ng their vices, and bringing them under the bonds and fubjeltion of the Gofpell; fee Pla1.2.3. Mar 20. Afts 34.26:' Efay 45.14 a fit`s of captivity,hlahnm 3.1o. z 5,6, at. 16.19. Nobles] or Honourable. yj Verfe 9. Written] in the booke of God , fee r Cor.4.6. Rev.a,. 18.So the Chaldee paraphra- feth, written in the Law. And this may have refe- rence to that law,Deut.7.t,3. &c. honeriris] or, this thatl be the honour of all hit Saints. 3 g 2 IMIAIIAAAMMAMIIMA PeAL. C L. An ezhotation to praife Gods halinef power , and goodnef e, with all kind of inffruments, and aN breath. Halelu-jah. tRaife ye God in his fandity, praife him in the firmament ofhis frength.Praife him in his powers , praife him áccor. 189 ding to the multitude of his greatnefre Pratte him with the found of the 'Trumpet, praife him with the pfaltery and harp.P raste him with the Tymbrel and Flute, praife him with Virginals and Organ. Poife him with well founding Cymbals, praife him with loud founding Cymbals. Let al breath praife Iah; Halelu-jah. 3 4 5 6 Annotations. IN hie fanl3ity] or, for hit holirref ; his moll holy I being, Efay 6.3. the flt argument ofpraile from Gods holy offence in himfelfe: or, in his fan- (lily, (his fanl7i y)'bia bolt' place, meaning beaten. in the firmament of his ftrength] that is , for hit firong firmament (called heaven, lien. i .8.)the fecond at- gumentof praife, from the frame of the world,' whereof heaven is chiefefi : f_e Pfd.19.2. or for the out fpreading of bit firengtb , that is, for his firength fpreadout as the firmament. Verfe 2. in bas powers] or for hit powerful' ally , as 2 Pfd. r45. 4. the third argument of pi ail: from Gods mighty admirriftration of all things fìnce the creation. of iiegre.nzeffè] or majefy; in fpe- ciall mercy towards his ovine people and againft their enemies; which is the fourth argument of his praife. Compare Deut.3. 24. and 9.26. & 32. 3. Exod. 15. 16. 1 Chron.17.19c Luke 1.46.49. 58. Alt. 2.11. Plainte 79. 1I. and 145'. 3. 6.1 Majefiy bath the name of, greameff, and is applied to the greatest (late of Policies or Common - weales ; which is to be minded here. Verfe 4.. Flute] or donee :: Pfal. 149.3. 7/irgi- 4 nals]or, ftringed infirumcnts: this word is not cure - where in Scripture. Organ]or, the Organen; as the Greeke tranflateth it : the Hebrew name fi nifleth.alovely(or dlightfull)inlrnment: it is one of the ancienteft of the world , invented by lee- ba , Genefi5. 4. al. and an inflrumcnt of joy,Iob a'.12. and 30.31. well fonndingCymbals] Heb. Cymbals of baring , that is, cafe or delightfmN to bee beard , which the Greeke tranflateth well founding. The Cymbals were of metal! , as bels, and have their name of their fhrill buckling ferind. Ludfens- ding] or, j yfully founding, or buckling ;as 1 Col.. 13. I. Hebr. Cymbals of fbouting found. Verfe 6. all breath] or, every breath , that is, every thing that bath breath; this tord is tired for the breath that God infpired into man, Gen.2.7, and for the mans mind or immortali faule, Efay 57./6. and ufualiy is applyed to man, and to the breath of God,Pfalme 18.16.but in Gen.7a2. it leemet]A to be fpoken of all livin ¿things. Compare Rev. 5. 13. where every creature which is in heaven, anion the tartb, and tender the earth and filch al are in the fea, and all that are in them, were heard , laying ; Vnte him that fittetb upon the Throne, .and unto the Lambe, bee bleffing, and honour, andglory andpower for ez er and ever, Amen. The End of the Book of P s A 0,1 s 1. rrrt A 6