4k0'4ki,Rf4V4t.°",++4 i"`" (P-V. ....,y ._ . . ;,y áj,yS9eF A4.114-440414.0404.K4 b>k{kL3taSSb$)SNmda_ à15§NéESh_51$L3ha$LkL ifc(^Pii2rlSj`ìL'f¢y,yA-h7út/y¿t^SS'-y',it' yy¿y,47'Fl<:i'773é1iYy tüyV6b.LbIiSV VTd?ddüJ6J6i6CACr3JT.U: NdißTÑi (ÚJWi¢DN&TiC`6tDTJdUSßJb,T(SbgCüAtsJ A TABLE DIRECTING TO SOME PRINCIPALL THINGS OBSERVED IN THE ANN OTATIONS..ór ar OF THE PSALMES. A Bafl,ig, what it fignifieth, Plal.6. ti. /Edam defcribed, PCa1.60.10. /Egypt, Pfa. 68. 32. the plagues of . Ægypt defcribed, Pfa.78.44, &c. & 1o5.28, &e. ./Ethiopia, Pfalme 68.32. Almikhtie, Sbaddai, how God is Co called, Pfalme 68. 15. Alone diverfly taken, Pfalme4 9. Amalek, Pfalme 83.8. Amen, what it fignifieth, Pfalme 41. 14. Ammonites, Pfalme 83.8. Angels, Pfalme 68.18. and 104.4. And inflead of For, Pfalme 1. 3. and 7. Io. and 55. 13. And for but, Pfalme 5 5. 14. And for that, Pfalme 43.4. and 49. 10. And, aligne paffion, Pfalme 2.6. and II5.3. Anger, outward, as wrath inward, Pfalme 2.5. Arrows, what they meane,Pfalme 18.15. & 45.6 Afaph, who he was, Pfalme 50.1. B D Elia!, what it meaneth, Pfalme 18. 5. and 1---1 41. 9. Baal, what it fignifieth, and how it is turned into Bnfketh, Pfalme 106, 28. Bands, fignes of fubje&ion, Pfalme 2.3. Babel defcribed, Pfalme 137. I. Being for continuing, Pfalme 64. 8. Bled, a title given to God, Pfalme 68 36. Bleffing, diverfly ufed, Pfalme 3.9. O Blcffd,or Happy, how it differeth from the for - nter,Pfalme I. I. Blestds,and man ofbloudr, what they meane, Pfalme 5. 7. and 51.16. Bounteous Princes, PGalme 47. I°. Bounteous reward, Pfalme 13.6. Bread, for all faod, Pfalme 78.20. Brookes, what they are, and of what uie, Pfalme 1. 3. Bunt offering, what it was, Pfalme 20.4. C CAptivitie for captives, Pfal.14.7. and 68.19, Cedar-tree defcribed, Pfalme 29. 5. Cherub,Cherubims,what they were, Plaime t8.1 t. Cbrift, or Anointed, Pfalme 2. 2. Commanding, diverfly ufed, Pfalme 42.9. Condemn aaguiltie, Pfalme 5.11, Confeffon , diverfiy ufed, Plàlme 6. 6. and 32. 5. and 50;14. Corrupt not, a title of Ionic Plaintes, Pfal. 57.1. Corruption, Pfalme 16. 10. Corrupting ditch, or pit, wherefore fo called,Pfalme 7. 16. Covenant, what it fignifieth, Pfalme 25. so. Striking covenant, Pfalme 5o. 5. Covetous, or gain- tbirflk, whereof it is named, Pfalme 10.3. Courts of Gods houle, Pfalme 65. 5. Cnrfiag, Pfalme so: 7. D DAughter, for Congregation, Pfalme 9.15. Daughters, for Villages, Pfalme 48.1 a, David put for Chrifl, PIal. 18.5o. & 40.1. & 89.4. Day, for time ofafi&ion, Pfalme 37. 13,1$. Deceit, whereof named, Pfalme 5.7. Decree, or Statute, what it meaneth, Pfalme z. 7. Degrees, what they meane, Plainte s 20.1. Devils, whereof they are named, Pfalme 106. 37. Doing, for fielding fruit, Pfalme 1.3. E EDom defcribed, Pfalme 6o. o. Egypt, Mifraim, Pfalme 68. 32. F FAce for anger, Pfalme a t. 10. Face for grace, Pfalme 27.8. and 42.6. F aithfull, what it meaneth, Pfalme I9.8. Falfè vanitle, Pfalme 12.3. Falb denie, Pfalme 18.45. Favourable acceptation, Pfalme S. 13. Frare,